Source code for curver.kernel.twist

''' A module for representing more advanced ways of changing triangulations. '''

import numpy as np

import curver
from curver.kernel.moves import FlipGraphMove  # Special import needed for subclassing.
from curver.kernel.decorators import ensure

[docs]class Twist(FlipGraphMove): ''' This represents the effect of twisting a short curve. This format allows us to efficiently perform powers of twists. ''' def __init__(self, curve, power): super().__init__(curve.triangulation, curve.triangulation) assert isinstance(curve, curver.kernel.Curve) assert curve.is_short() and not curve.is_peripheral() assert power != 0 self.curve = curve self.power = power a = self.curve.parallel() # Theorem: The right number of flips to do is: # - weight - self.curve.dual_weight(parallel) in the non-isolating case # - 3*num_tripods is in the isolating case. # Proof: TODO. num_flips = self.curve.weight() - self.curve.dual_weight(a) twist = self.curve.triangulation.id_encoding() for _ in range(num_flips): twist = twist.target_triangulation.encode_flip(twist.target_triangulation.corner_lookup[a][2]) * twist twist = twist.target_triangulation.find_isometry(twist.source_triangulation, {a: a}).encode() * twist self.encoding = twist self.power_sign = +1 if self.power > 0 else -1 self.signed_encoding = self.encoding if self.power > 0 else self.encoding.inverse() def __str__(self): return f'Twist^{self.power}_{self.curve}'
[docs] def package(self): return (self.curve.parallel().label, self.power)
def __eq__(self, other): eq = super().__eq__(other) if eq in [NotImplemented, False]: return eq return self.curve == other.curve and self.power == other.power
[docs] def apply_lamination(self, lamination): # Take care of an easy case for speed. if abs(self.power) == 1: return self.signed_encoding(lamination) intersection = self.curve.intersection(lamination) if intersection == 0: # Disjoint twists have no effect. return lamination # Naive way would be to do: # return self.encoding(lamination, power=self.power) # which is roughly equivalent to: # for i in range(self.power): # lamination = self.encoding(lamination) # return lamination # But we can be cleverer and perform this calculation in O(log(self.power)) instead. power = self.power slope = self.curve.slope(lamination) slope_sign = +1 if slope > 0 else -1 steps = min(abs(power), abs(slope.numerator) // slope.denominator) # This is how far we can definitely move without reaching the dangerous region. if power * slope_sign < 0: # We are heading towards the dangerous region. lamination = lamination.__class__(self.target_triangulation, [w - steps * intersection * c for w, c in zip(lamination, self.curve)]) # Avoids promote. power = power + slope_sign * steps # We have to go slowly through the dangerous region, but we cross it in at most three twists. for _ in range(3): if power: lamination = self.signed_encoding(lamination) power = power - self.power_sign if power: # Since we are now moving away from the dangerous region, we can accelerate. lamination = lamination.__class__(self.target_triangulation, [w + abs(power) * intersection * c for w, c in zip(lamination, self.curve)]) # Avoids promote. return lamination
[docs] def apply_homology(self, homology_class): a = self.curve.parallel() v = self.source_triangulation.vertex_lookup[a] # = self.source_triangulation.vertex_lookup[~a]. v_edges = curver.kernel.utilities.cyclic_slice(v, a, ~a) # The set of edges that come out of v from a round to ~a. algebraic = list(homology_class) algebraic[a.index] += a.sign() * self.power * sum(homology_class(edge) for edge in v_edges[1:]) return curver.kernel.HomologyClass(self.target_triangulation, algebraic)
[docs] def inverse(self): return Twist(self.curve, -self.power)
[docs] def flip_mapping(self): return self.encoding**self.power
[docs] @ensure(lambda data: data.result(data.multicurve.geometric) == data.self(data.multicurve).geometric) def pl_action(self, multicurve): # Take care of an easy case for speed. if abs(self.power) == 1: return self.signed_encoding.pl_action(multicurve) # Helper functions for building matrices. def V(edge): return np.array([1 if i == edge.index else 0 for i in range(self.zeta)], dtype=object) def C2(edge): corner = self.source_triangulation.corner_lookup[edge] return V(corner[0]) + V(corner[2]) - V(corner[1]) power = self.power # Slope calculation: # Get some edges. a = self.curve.parallel() v = self.curve.triangulation.vertex_lookup[a] v_edges = curver.kernel.utilities.cyclic_slice(v, a, ~a) around = curver.kernel.utilities.maximin([0], (multicurve.left_weight(edgy) for edgy in v_edges)) around_edge = next(edge for edge in v_edges if multicurve.left_weight(edge) == around) # The edge that realises around. twisting = curver.kernel.utilities.maximin([0], (multicurve.left_weight(edgy) - around for edgy in v_edges[1:-1])) twisting_edge = next(edge for edge in v_edges[1:-1] if multicurve.left_weight(edge) - around == twisting) # The edge that realises twisting. slope_sign = -1 if multicurve.left_weight(a) - around > 0 else +1 intersection = multicurve(a) - 2 * around # = self.curve.intersection(multicurve) # Condition matrices which restricts to multicurves with the same around_edge, twisting_edge and slope sign respectively. around_condition = np.array([C2(edge) - C2(around_edge) for edge in v_edges]) twisting_condition = np.array([C2(edge) - C2(twisting_edge) for edge in v_edges[1:-1]]) slope_sign_condition = np.array([slope_sign * (C2(around_edge) - C2(a))]) numerator, denominator = twisting, intersection if denominator == 0: # Disjoint twists have no effect. return curver.kernel.PartialLinearFunction( np.identity(self.zeta, dtype=object), np.concatenate([around_condition, np.array([C2(around_edge) - V(a), V(a) - C2(around_edge)])]) ) floor_abs_slope = numerator // denominator steps = min(abs(power), floor_abs_slope) # A condition matrix which restricts to multicurves with the same floor_abs_slope. # Note we use an extra factor of two to avoid fractions. floor_abs_slope_condition = np.array([ (C2(twisting_edge) - C2(around_edge)) - 2 * floor_abs_slope * (V(a) - C2(around_edge)), # 2 * twisting - 2*floor_abs_slope * intersection. 2 * (floor_abs_slope+1) * (V(a) - C2(around_edge)) - (C2(twisting_edge) - C2(around_edge)) # 2 * (floor_abs_slope+1) * intersection - 2 * twisting. ]) # Start with all of these constraints in the PL function. F = curver.kernel.PartialLinearFunction( np.identity(self.zeta, dtype=object), np.concatenate([around_condition, twisting_condition, slope_sign_condition, floor_abs_slope_condition]) ) if power * slope_sign < 0: F = curver.kernel.PartialLinearFunction( np.array([V(edge) - steps * (V(a) - C2(around_edge)) * self.curve(edge) for edge in self.source_triangulation.positive_edges]), np.array([[0] * self.zeta], dtype=object) ) * F multicurve = multicurve.__class__(self.target_triangulation, [w - steps * intersection * c for w, c in zip(multicurve, self.curve)]) # Avoids promote. power = power + slope_sign * steps for _ in range(3): if power: F = self.signed_encoding.pl_action(multicurve) * F multicurve = self.signed_encoding(multicurve) power = power - self.power_sign if power: # We now have to recalculate around. around = curver.kernel.utilities.maximin([0], (multicurve.left_weight(edgy) for edgy in v_edges)) around_edge = next(edge for edge in v_edges if multicurve.left_weight(edge) == around) # The edge that realises around. around_condition = np.array([C2(edge) - C2(around_edge) for edge in v_edges]) F = curver.kernel.PartialLinearFunction( np.array([V(edge) + abs(power) * (V(a) - C2(around_edge)) * self.curve(edge) for edge in self.source_triangulation.positive_edges]), around_condition, ) * F multicurve = multicurve.__class__(self.target_triangulation, [w + abs(power) * intersection * c for w, c in zip(multicurve, self.curve)]) # Avoids promote. return F
[docs]class HalfTwist(FlipGraphMove): ''' This represents the effect of half-twisting a short arc. This format allows us to efficiently perform powers of twists. ''' def __init__(self, arc, power): super().__init__(arc.triangulation, arc.triangulation) assert isinstance(arc, curver.kernel.Arc) assert arc.is_short() assert power != 0 self.arc = arc self.power = power conjugator = arc.triangulation.id_encoding() # We need to get to a really good configuration, one where self.arc is not just short # but where valence(self.arc.initial_vertex) == 1. edge = self.arc.parallel() # Reverse the orientation if the valence of the other end is less. # This reduces the number of flips needed to reach a really good configuration. if len(arc.triangulation.vertex_lookup[edge]) > len(arc.triangulation.vertex_lookup[~edge]): edge = ~edge # Since self.arc is short it is an edge of the triangulation so we just keep moving # edges away from this edge's initial vertex to get to a really good triangulation. while len(conjugator.target_triangulation.vertex_lookup[edge]) > 1: # valence(initial vertex) > 1. flip = conjugator.target_triangulation.encode_flip(conjugator.target_triangulation.corner_lookup[edge][2]) conjugator = flip * conjugator # We can now perform the half twist. To do this we move all the edges back across to the other vertex. # Again, we keep moving edges away from this edge's terminal vertex. # TODO: 4) Prove this always works. # NOTE: William Worden checked that this works for genus <= 20. half_twist = conjugator.target_triangulation.id_encoding() # valence(terminal vertex) > 1. while len(half_twist.target_triangulation.vertex_lookup[~edge]) > 1: flip = half_twist.target_triangulation.encode_flip(half_twist.target_triangulation.corner_lookup[~edge][2]) half_twist = flip * half_twist # No close up to complete the half twist. Use the isometry that inverts this edge. half_twist = half_twist.target_triangulation.find_isometry(half_twist.source_triangulation, {edge: ~edge}).encode() * half_twist self.encoding = half_twist.conjugate_by(conjugator) # We handle large powers by replacing (T^1/2_self)^2 with T_boundary, which includes acceleration. # We handle small powers separately to increase performance. if abs(self.power) <= 1: self.encoding_power = self.encoding**self.power elif self.power % 2 == 0: self.encoding_power = self.arc.boundary().encode_twist(self.power // 2) else: # self.power % 2 == 1: # Division rounds down so, regardless of power, we need an extra right half-twist. self.encoding_power = self.arc.boundary().encode_twist(self.power // 2) * self.encoding def __str__(self): return f'HalfTwist^{self.power}_{self.arc}'
[docs] def package(self): return (self.arc.parallel().label, self.power)
def __eq__(self, other): eq = super().__eq__(other) if eq in [NotImplemented, False]: return eq return self.arc == other.arc and self.power == other.power
[docs] def apply_lamination(self, lamination): return self.encoding_power(lamination)
[docs] def apply_homology(self, homology_class): return self.encoding_power(homology_class)
[docs] def inverse(self): return HalfTwist(self.arc, -self.power)
[docs] def flip_mapping(self): return self.encoding**self.power
[docs] def pl_action(self, multicurve): return self.encoding_power.pl_action(multicurve)