Source code for curver.kernel.curvegraph

''' A module for representing the curve complex of a surface. '''

from itertools import combinations
from math import factorial
import networkx

import curver

[docs]class CurveGraph(object): ''' This represents the curve complex of a surface. ''' def __init__(self, triangulation): self.triangulation = triangulation self.zeta = self.triangulation.zeta assert self.triangulation.is_connected() # Constants: # Universal: self.QUASICONVEXITY = 10 # Masur-Minsky. # Ask Katie Vokes about this. self.BOUNDED_GEODESIC_IMAGE = 100 # BGIT. self.HYPERBOLICITY = 17 # Curve complex delta-hyperbolicity. # Uniform: self.D = (self.zeta**(2 * self.zeta * (2*self.HYPERBOLICITY + 2)**2))**2 # Bowditch bound on denominator [Bow08]. # This explict bound comes from Theorems 6.2 & 6.3 of [Webb15] and Algorithm 3 of [BellWebb16]. # TODO 4) Recheck this. self.XI = self.zeta // 2 # Actually should be 3g - 3 + n < 3g - 3 + 1.5n = zeta / 2 self.M = 28 * factorial(self.XI) * self.HYPERBOLICITY * self.D * self.BOUNDED_GEODESIC_IMAGE E, n = self.triangulation.euler_characteristic, self.triangulation.num_vertices self.R = 18*E**2 - 30*E - 10*n # Gadre and Tsai bound away from zero [GadreTsai]. self.M2 = factorial(self.XI) * self.BOUNDED_GEODESIC_IMAGE * self.R
[docs] def quasiconvex(self, a, b): ''' Return a polynomial-sized K--quasiconvex subset of the curve complex that contains a and b. From Algorithm 1 of [BellWebb16]_. ''' # Uses Masur--Minsky theorem. assert isinstance(a, curver.kernel.Curve) assert isinstance(b, curver.kernel.Curve) assert a.triangulation == self.triangulation assert b.triangulation == self.triangulation conjugator_a = a.shorten() short_b = conjugator_a(b) conjugator_b = short_b.shorten() quasiconvex = set() for i in range(len(conjugator_b)+1): prefix = conjugator_b[i:] # Get the first bit of conjugator_b. split_train_track = prefix(short_b) vertex_cycle = split_train_track.vertex_cycle() quasiconvex.add(conjugator_a.inverse()(prefix.inverse()(vertex_cycle))) return quasiconvex
[docs] def tight_paths(self, a, b, length): ''' Return the set of all tight paths from a to b that are of the given length. From Algorithm 3 of [BellWebb16]_. ''' assert isinstance(a, curver.kernel.MultiCurve) assert isinstance(b, curver.kernel.MultiCurve) assert a.triangulation == self.triangulation assert b.triangulation == self.triangulation assert length >= 0 if length == 0: return set([(a,)]) if a == b else set() elif length == 1: return set([(a, b)]) if a.intersection(b) == 0 and a.no_common_component(b) else set() elif length == 2: m = a.boundary_union(b) # m = \partial N(a \cup b). return set([(a, m, b)]) if not m.is_peripheral() and a.no_common_component(m) and b.no_common_component(m) else set() else: # length >= 3. if not a.fills_with(b): return set() crush = a.crush() lift = crush.inverse() b_prime = crush(b) A_1 = set() for triangulation in b_prime.explore_ball(2*self.zeta*length + 2*self.zeta): for submultiarc in triangulation.sublaminations(): m_prime = submultiarc.boundary() m = lift(m_prime) A_1.add(m) P = set() for a_1 in A_1: for multipath in self.tight_paths(a_1, b, length-1): # Recurse. a_2 = multipath[0] if a.boundary_union(a_2) == a_1: # (a,) + multipath is tight: P.add((a,) + multipath) return P
[docs] def all_tight_geodesic_multicurves(self, a, b): ''' Return a set that contains all multicurves in any tight geodesic from a to b. From the first half of Algorithm 4 of [BellWebb16]_. ''' assert isinstance(a, curver.kernel.Curve) assert isinstance(b, curver.kernel.Curve) assert a.triangulation == self.triangulation assert b.triangulation == self.triangulation guide = self.quasiconvex(a, b) # U. L = 6*self.QUASICONVEXITY + 2 # See [Webb15]. return set(multicurve for length in range(L+1) for c1 in guide for c2 in guide for path in self.tight_paths(c1, c2, length) for multicurve in path)
[docs] def tight_geodesic(self, a, b): ''' Return a tight geodesic in the (multi)curve complex from a to b. From the second half of Algorithm 4 of [BellWebb16]_. ''' assert isinstance(a, curver.kernel.Curve) assert isinstance(b, curver.kernel.Curve) assert a.triangulation == self.triangulation assert b.triangulation == self.triangulation # Build graph. vertices = list(self.all_tight_geodesic_multicurves(a, b)) edges = [(u, v) for u, v in combinations(vertices, r=2) if u.intersection(v) == 0 and u.no_common_component(v)] G = networkx.Graph(edges) geodesic = networkx.shortest_path(G, a, b) # Find a geodesic from self to other, however this might not be tight. for i in range(1, len(geodesic)-1): geodesic[i] = geodesic[i-1].boundary_union(geodesic[i+1]) # Tighten. return tuple(geodesic)
[docs] def geodesic(self, a, b): ''' Return a geodesic in the curve complex from a to b. The geodesic will always come from a tight geodesic. From Algorithm 5 of [BellWebb16]_. ''' assert isinstance(a, curver.kernel.Curve) assert isinstance(b, curver.kernel.Curve) assert a.triangulation == self.triangulation assert b.triangulation == self.triangulation return tuple(multicurve.peek_component() for multicurve in self.tight_geodesic(a, b))
[docs] def distance(self, a, b): ''' Return the distance from a to b in the curve complex. ''' # Could use self.tight_geodesic(a, b). return len(self.geodesic(a, b)) - 1