Source code for curver.kernel.triangulation

''' A module for representing a triangulation of a punctured surface. '''

from collections import Counter
from functools import total_ordering
from itertools import groupby, product
from math import factorial
import numpy as np

import curver
from curver.kernel.decorators import memoize  # Special import needed for decorating.

[docs]def norm(number): ''' A map taking an edges label to its index. That is, x and ~x should map to the same thing. ''' return max(number, ~number)
[docs]@total_ordering class Edge(object): ''' This represents an oriented edge, labelled with an integer. It is specified by its label and its inverse edge is labelled with ~its label. These are really just integers but with fancy printing and indexing set up on them. ''' # Warning: This needs to be updated if the internals of this class ever change. __slots__ = ['label', 'index'] def __init__(self, label): self.label = label self.index = norm(self.label) def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return ('' if self.sign() == +1 else '~') + str(self.index) def __reduce__(self): # Having __slots__ means we need to pickle manually. return (self.__class__, (self.label,)) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Edge): return self.label == other.label elif isinstance(other, curver.IntegerType): return self.label == other else: return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Edge): return self.label < other.label elif isinstance(other, curver.IntegerType): return self.label < other else: return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(self.label) def __invert__(self): ''' Return this edge but with reversed orientation. ''' return Edge(~self.label)
[docs] def sign(self): ''' Return the sign (+/-1) of this edge. ''' return +1 if self.label == self.index else -1
[docs]class Triangle(object): ''' This represents a triangle. It is specified by a list of three edges, ordered anticlockwise. It builds its corners automatically. ''' # Warning: This needs to be updated if the internals of this class ever change. __slots__ = ['edges', 'labels', 'indices'] def __init__(self, edges, rotate=None): assert isinstance(edges, (list, tuple)) assert all(isinstance(edge, Edge) for edge in edges) assert len(edges) == 3 # Edges are ordered anti-clockwise. We will cyclically permute # these to a canonical ordering, the one where the edges are ordered # minimally by label. best_index = min(range(3), key=lambda i: edges[i].label) if rotate is None else rotate self.edges = edges[best_index:] + edges[:best_index] self.labels = [edge.label for edge in self] self.indices = [edge.index for edge in self] def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return str(tuple(self.edges)) def __reduce__(self): # Having __slots__ means we need to pickle manually. return (self.__class__, (self.edges,)) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Triangle): return self.edges == other.edges else: return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(self.edges)) def __len__(self): return 3 # This is needed for reversed(triangle) to work. # Note that this is NOT the same convention as used in pieces. # There iterating and index accesses return vertices. def __iter__(self): return iter(self.edges) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.edges[index] def __contains__(self, other): return other in self.edges
# Remark: In other places in the code you will often see L(triangulation). This is the space # of laminations on triangulation with the coordinate system induced by the triangulation.
[docs]class Triangulation(object): ''' This represents a triangulation of a punctured surface. It is specified by a list of Triangles. Its edges must be numbered 0, 1, ... ''' def __init__(self, triangles): # We will sort the triangles into a canonical ordering, the one where the edges are ordered # minimally by label. This allows for fast comparisons. self.triangles = sorted(triangles, key=lambda t: t.labels) self.num_triangles = len(self.triangles) self.zeta = self.num_triangles * 3 // 2 # = self.num_edges. self.indices = [index for index in range(self.zeta)] self.labels = [label for label in range(-self.zeta, self.zeta)] self.edges = [Edge(label) for label in self.labels] self.positive_edges = [Edge(index) for index in self.indices] self.triangle_lookup = dict((edge.label, triangle) for triangle in self for edge in triangle) self.corner_lookup = dict((edge.label, Triangle(triangle.edges, rotate=index)) for triangle in self for index, edge in enumerate(triangle)) # Group the edges into vertices and ordered anti-clockwise. # Here two edges are in the same class iff they have the same tail. unused = set(self.edges) self.vertices = set() while unused: vertex = [min(unused)] # Make canonical by starting at min. unused.discard(vertex[0]) while True: neighbour = ~self.corner_lookup[vertex[-1]][2] if neighbour in unused: vertex.append(neighbour) unused.remove(neighbour) else: break self.vertices.add(tuple(vertex)) self.vertex_lookup = dict((edge.label, vertex) for vertex in self.vertices for edge in vertex) self.num_vertices = len(self.vertices) self.euler_characteristic = -self.zeta // 3 # = V - E + F since 3F = 2E and V = 0. # Two triangulations are the same if and only if they have the same signature. self.signature = [edge.label for triangle in self for edge in triangle]
[docs] @classmethod def from_tuple(cls, *edge_labels): ''' Return an Triangulation from a list of triples of edge labels. Let T be an ideal triangulations of the punctured (oriented) surface S. Orient and edge e of T and assign an index i(e) in 0, ..., zeta-1. Now to each triangle t of T associate the triple j(t) := (j(e_1), j(e_2), j(e_3)) where: - e_1, e_2, e_3 are the edges of t, ordered according to the orientation of t, and - j(e) = { i(e) if the orientation of e agrees with that of t, and { ~i(e) otherwise. Here ~x := -1 - x, the two's complement of x. We may describe T by the list [j(t) for t in T]. This function reconstructs T from such a list. edge_labels must be a list of triples of integers and each of 0, ..., zeta-1, ~0, ..., ~(zeta-1) must occur exactly once. ''' if len(edge_labels) == 1: edge_labels = edge_labels[0] assert isinstance(edge_labels, (list, tuple)) assert all(isinstance(labels, (list, tuple)) for labels in edge_labels) assert all(len(labels) == 3 for labels in edge_labels) assert edge_labels zeta = len(edge_labels) * 3 // 2 # Check that each of 0, ..., zeta-1, ~0, ..., ~(zeta-1) occurs exactly once. flattened = set(label for labels in edge_labels for label in labels) for i in range(zeta): if i not in flattened: raise TypeError('Missing label %d' % i) if ~i not in flattened: raise TypeError('Missing label ~%d' % i) return cls([Triangle([Edge(label) for label in labels]) for labels in edge_labels])
[docs] @classmethod def from_sig(cls, sig): ''' Return the Triangulation defined by this signature. ''' zeta, index = [curver.kernel.utilities.b64decode(x) for x in sig.split('_')] perm = curver.kernel.Permutation.from_index(2*zeta, index) tuples = [(perm[i] - zeta, perm[i+1] - zeta, perm[i+2] - zeta) for i in range(0, 2*zeta, 3)] return cls.from_tuple(tuples)
def __repr__(self): return str(list(self)) def __str__(self): return self.sig() def __iter__(self): return iter(self.triangles) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.triangles[index]
[docs] def package(self): ''' Return a small amount of info that create_triangulation can use to reconstruct this triangulation. ''' return ([t.labels for t in self],)
def __reduce__(self): # Triangulations are already pickleable but this results in a much smaller pickle. return (create_triangulation, (self.__class__,) + self.package()) def __eq__(self, other): return self.signature == other.signature def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(self.signature)) def __call__(self, geometric, promote=True): return self.lamination(geometric, promote)
[docs] def sig(self): ''' Return the signature of this triangulation. ''' return curver.kernel.utilities.b64encode(self.zeta) + '_' + \ curver.kernel.utilities.b64encode(curver.kernel.Permutation([x + self.zeta for x in self.signature]).index())
[docs] def surface(self): ''' This return a dictionary mapping component |--> (genus, #punctures). ''' # Compute pairs of #vertices and #edges for each component. VE = dict((component, (len([vertex for vertex in self.vertices if vertex[0] in component]), len(component) // 2)) for component in self.components()) # Compute pairs of genus and #vertices edges for each component. return dict((component, ((2 - v + e // 3) // 2, v)) for component, (v, e) in VE.items())
[docs] def max_order(self): ''' Return the maximum order of a mapping class on this surface. ''' def order(g, v): ''' Return the maximum order of a periodic mapping class on S_{g, v}. ''' # These bounds follow from the 4g + 4 bound on the closed surface [FarbMarg12] # and the Riemann removable singularity theorem which allows us to cap off the # punctures when the g > 1 without affecting this bound. if g > 1: return 4*g + 2 elif g == 1: return max(v, 6) else: # g == 0: return v # List of pairs of genus and #vertices edges for each component. GV = self.surface().values() # List of pairs of orders and multiplicity. OM = [(order(g, v), len(list(group))) for (g, v), group in groupby(sorted(GV))] prod = 1 for o, m in OM: prod *= o * factorial(m) # Actually need o*lcm(1, 2, ..., m), but this is easier (and not significantly larger?) return prod
[docs] def components(self): ''' Return a list of tuples of the edges in each component of self. ''' classes = curver.kernel.UnionFind(self.edges) for edge in self.edges: classes.union(edge, ~edge) for triangle in self: classes.union(triangle) return [tuple(sorted(cls)) for cls in classes]
[docs] def is_connected(self): ''' Return if this triangulation has a single component. ''' return len(self.components()) == 1
[docs] def dual_tree(self, avoid=None): ''' Return a maximal tree in 1--skeleton of the dual of this triangulation. This are given as lists of Booleans signaling if each edge is in the tree. Note that when this surface is disconnected this tree is actually a forest. To make this unique / well-defined we return the numerically first one. If avoid is provided then none of these indices will be set in the dual tree. ''' if avoid is None: avoid = set() # Kruskal's algorithm. dual_tree = [False] * self.zeta classes = curver.kernel.UnionFind(self.triangles) for index in self.indices: if index not in avoid: a, b = self.triangle_lookup[index], self.triangle_lookup[~index] if classes(a) != classes(b): classes.union(a, b) dual_tree[index] = True return dual_tree
[docs] @memoize def homology_matrix(self): ''' Return a matrix that kills the entries of the dual tree. ''' dual_tree = self.dual_tree() M = [] for index in self.indices: row = [0] * self.zeta if dual_tree[index]: edge = Edge(index) while True: corner = self.corner_lookup[edge] edge = corner.edges[2] if not dual_tree[edge.index]: row[edge.index] -= edge.sign() else: edge = ~edge if edge.label == ~index: break else: row[index] = 1 M.append(row) return np.matrix(M, dtype=object).transpose() # Transpose the matrix.
[docs] def homology_basis(self): ''' Return a basis for H_1(S). ''' return [hc for hc in self.edge_homologies() if hc.is_canonical()]
[docs] def is_flippable(self, edge): ''' Return if the given edge is flippable. An edge is flippable if and only if it lies in two distinct triangles. ''' if isinstance(edge, curver.IntegerType): edge = curver.kernel.Edge(edge) # If given an integer instead. return self.triangle_lookup[edge] != self.triangle_lookup[~edge]
[docs] def square(self, edge): ''' Return the four edges around the given edge and the diagonal. The given edge must be flippable. ''' if isinstance(edge, curver.IntegerType): edge = curver.kernel.Edge(edge) # If given an integer instead. assert self.is_flippable(edge) # Given the e, return the edges a, b, c, d, e in order. # # #<----------# # | a ^^ # | / | # | A / | # | / | # |b e/ d| # | / | # | / | # | / | # | / B | # | / | # V/ c | # #----------># corner_A, corner_B = self.corner_lookup[edge], self.corner_lookup[~edge] return [corner_A.edges[1], corner_A.edges[2], corner_B.edges[1], corner_B.edges[2], edge]
[docs] def all_encodings(self, num_flips): ''' Yield all encodings that can be made using at most the given number of flips. Runs in exp(num_flips) time. ''' yield self.id_encoding() # TODO: 3) Make efficient by using the fact that disjoint flips commute. if num_flips > 0: for edge in self.positive_edges: if self.is_flippable(edge): step = self.encode_flip(edge) for encoding in step.target_triangulation.all_encodings(num_flips-1): yield encoding * step return
[docs] def find_isometry(self, other, label_map): ''' Return the isometry from this triangulation to other defined by label_map. label_map must be a dictionary mapping self.labels to other.labels. Labels may be omitted if they are determined by other given ones and these will be found automatically. Additionally, if an entire component is omitted then we assume that the map is the identity on it. Assumes that such an isometry exists and is unique. ''' assert isinstance(label_map, dict) # Make a local copy as we may need to make a lot of changes. label_map = dict(label_map) source_orders = dict([(edge.label, len(vertex)) for vertex in self.vertices for edge in vertex]) target_orders = dict([(edge.label, len(vertex)) for vertex in other.vertices for edge in vertex]) # We do a depth first search extending the corner map across the triangulation. # This is a stack of labels that may still have consequences to check. to_process = [(edge_from_label, label_map[edge_from_label]) for edge_from_label in label_map] while to_process: from_label, to_label = to_process.pop() neighbours = [ (~from_label, ~to_label), (self.corner_lookup[from_label][1], other.corner_lookup[to_label][1]) ] for new_from_label, new_to_label in neighbours: if new_from_label in label_map: # Check that this map is still consistent. if new_to_label != label_map[new_from_label]: raise curver.AssumptionError('This label_map does not extend to an isometry.') else: # Extend the map. if source_orders[new_from_label] != target_orders[new_to_label]: raise curver.AssumptionError('This label_map does not extend to an isometry.') label_map[new_from_label] = new_to_label to_process.append((new_from_label, new_to_label)) # Now assume that the map is the identity on all unmapped edges. # If we have gotten this far then the and unmapped edges must be entire components. used_labels = set(x for key_value in label_map.items() for x in key_value) for edge in self.edges: if edge.label not in used_labels: if self.corner_lookup[edge] != other.corner_lookup[edge]: raise curver.AssumptionError('This label_map does not extend to an isometry.') label_map[edge.label] = edge.label return curver.kernel.Isometry(self, other, label_map)
[docs] def isometries_to(self, other): ''' Return a list of all isometries from this triangulation to other. ''' assert isinstance(other, Triangulation) if self.zeta != other.zeta: return [] # TODO: 3) Make this more efficient by avoiding trying all mappings. # Isometries are determined by where a single triangle is sent. sources = [min(component, key=lambda edge: len(self.vertex_lookup[edge])) for component in self.components()] degrees = [len(self.vertex_lookup[edge]) for edge in sources] targets = [[edge for edge in other.edges if len(other.vertex_lookup[edge]) == degree] for degree in degrees] isometries = [] for chosen_targets in product(*targets): try: isometries.append(self.find_isometry(other, dict(zip(sources, chosen_targets)))) except curver.AssumptionError: # Map does not extend uniquely. pass return isometries
[docs] def self_isometries(self): ''' Return a list of isometries taking this triangulation to itself. ''' return self.isometries_to(self)
[docs] def is_isometric_to(self, other): ''' Return if there are any orientation preserving isometries from this triangulation to other. ''' assert isinstance(other, Triangulation) return len(self.isometries_to(other)) > 0
# Laminations we can build on this triangulation.
[docs] def lamination(self, weights, promote=True): ''' Return a new lamination on this surface assigning the specified weight to each edge. ''' assert len(weights) == self.zeta, 'Expected %d weights but got %d' % (self.zeta, len(weights)) # Should check all dual weights. lamination = curver.kernel.Lamination(self, weights) if promote: lamination = lamination.promote() return lamination
[docs] def lamination_from_cut_sequence(self, sequence): ''' Return a new lamination on this surface based on the sequence of edges that this Curve / Arc crosses. ''' count = Counter(sequence) return self([count[i] + count[~i] for i in range(self.zeta)])
[docs] def curve_from_cut_sequence(self, sequence): ''' Return a new curve on this surface based on the sequence of edges that this Curve crosses. WARNING: Be extremely careful with this method since it does NOT check that this produces a curve. ''' count = Counter(sequence) return curver.kernel.Curve(self, [count[i] + count[~i] for i in range(self.zeta)])
[docs] def empty_lamination(self): ''' Return the empty lamination defined on this triangulation. ''' return self([0] * self.zeta)
[docs] def as_lamination(self): ''' Return this triangulation as a lamination. ''' return self([-1] * self.zeta) # Will always be a MultiArc.
[docs] def sum(self, laminations): ''' An efficient way of summing multiple laminations without computing intermediate values. ''' laminations = list(laminations) if all(isinstance(lamination, curver.kernel.Lamination) for lamination in laminations): if not laminations: return self.empty_lamination() if any(lamination.triangulation != self for lamination in laminations): raise ValueError('Laminations must all be defined on this triangulation to add them.') geometric = [sum(weights) for weights in zip(*laminations)] return self(geometric) # Have to promote. else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def disjoint_sum(self, laminations): ''' An efficient way of summing multiple disjoint laminations without computing intermediate values. ''' laminations = list(laminations) if all(isinstance(lamination, curver.kernel.Lamination) for lamination in laminations): if any(lamination.triangulation != self for lamination in laminations): raise ValueError('Laminations must all be defined on this triangulation to add them.') num_components = sum(lamination.num_components() for lamination in laminations) if num_components == 0: return self.empty_lamination() geometric = [sum(weights) for weights in zip(*laminations)] if all(isinstance(lamination, curver.kernel.MultiArc) for lamination in laminations): if num_components == 1: new_class = curver.kernel.Arc else: # num_components > 1: new_class = curver.kernel.MultiArc elif all(isinstance(lamination, curver.kernel.MultiCurve) for lamination in laminations): if num_components == 1: new_class = curver.kernel.Curve else: # num_components > 1: new_class = curver.kernel.MultiCurve else: # Mixed. new_class = curver.kernel.Lamination return new_class(self, geometric) else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def edge_arc(self, edge): ''' Return the given edge as an Arc. ''' if isinstance(edge, curver.IntegerType): edge = curver.kernel.Edge(edge) # If given an integer instead. return curver.kernel.Arc(self, [0 if i != edge.index else -1 for i in range(self.zeta)]) # Avoids promote.
[docs] def edge_arcs(self): ''' Return a list containing the Arc representing each Edge. As these fill, by Alexander's trick a mapping class is the identity if and only if it fixes all of them. ''' return [self.edge_arc(edge) for edge in self.positive_edges] # Could use self.lamination.
[docs] def edge_homologies(self): ''' Return a list containing the HomologyClass of each Edge. ''' # Could skip those in self.dual_tree(). return [curver.kernel.HomologyClass(self, [0 if i != index else 1 for i in range(self.zeta)]) for index in self.indices]
[docs] def id_isometry(self): ''' Return the isometry representing the identity map. ''' return curver.kernel.Isometry(self, self, dict((i, i) for i in self.labels))
[docs] def id_encoding(self): ''' Return an encoding of the identity map on this triangulation. ''' return self.id_isometry().encode()
[docs] def encode_flip(self, edge): ''' Return an encoding of the effect of flipping the given edge. The given edge must be flippable. ''' if isinstance(edge, curver.IntegerType): edge = curver.kernel.Edge(edge) # If given an integer instead. assert self.is_flippable(edge) # Use the following for reference: # #<----------# #-----------# # | a ^^ |\ | # | / | | \ | # | A / | | \ A2 | # | / | | \ | # |b e/ d| --> | \e' | # | / | | \ | # | / | | \ | # | / | | \ | # | / B | | B2 \ | # | / | | \ | # V/ c | | V| # #----------># #-----------# edge_map = dict((edge, Edge(edge.label)) for edge in self.edges) # Most triangles don't change. triangles = [Triangle([edge_map[edgy] for edgy in triangle]) for triangle in self if edge not in triangle and ~edge not in triangle] a, b, c, d, e = self.square(edge) if edge.sign() == +1: triangle_A2 = Triangle([edge_map[e], edge_map[d], edge_map[a]]) triangle_B2 = Triangle([edge_map[~e], edge_map[b], edge_map[c]]) else: # edge.sign() == -1: triangle_A2 = Triangle([edge_map[~e], edge_map[d], edge_map[a]]) triangle_B2 = Triangle([edge_map[e], edge_map[b], edge_map[c]]) new_triangulation = Triangulation(triangles + [triangle_A2, triangle_B2]) return curver.kernel.EdgeFlip(self, new_triangulation, edge).encode()
[docs] def encode_relabel_edges(self, label_map): ''' Return an encoding of the effect of relabelling the edges according to label_map. Assumes that label_map[index] or label_map[~index] is defined for each index. ''' if isinstance(label_map, (list, tuple)): label_map = dict(enumerate(label_map)) else: label_map = dict(label_map) # Build any missing labels. # We need to repeat this code so that we can build the isometry in a minute. for i in self.indices: if i in label_map and ~i in label_map: pass elif i not in label_map and ~i in label_map: label_map[i] = ~label_map[~i] elif i in label_map and ~i not in label_map: label_map[~i] = ~label_map[i] else: raise curver.AssumptionError('Missing new label for %d.' % i) edge_map = dict((edge, Edge(label_map[edge.label])) for edge in self.edges) new_triangulation = Triangulation([Triangle([edge_map[edge] for edge in triangle]) for triangle in self]) return curver.kernel.Isometry(self, new_triangulation, label_map).encode()
[docs] def encode(self, sequence): ''' Return the encoding given by a sequence of Moves. There are several conventions that allow these to be specified by a smaller amount of information: - An integer x represents EdgeFlip(..., edge_label=x) - A dictionary which has i or ~i as a key (for every i) represents a relabelling. - A dictionary which is missing i and ~i (for some i) represents an isometry back to this triangulation. - A pair (e, p) represents a Twist or HalfTwist to the power p, depending on whether the edge e connects distinct vertices. - None represents the identity isometry. This sequence is read in reverse in order to respect composition. For example: self.encode([1, {1: ~2}, 2, 3, ~4]) is the mapping class which: flips edge ~4, then 3, then 2, then relabels back to the starting triangulation via the isometry which takes 1 to ~2 and then finally flips edge 1. ''' assert isinstance(sequence, (list, tuple)) assert sequence T = self moves_reversed = [] flip_graph = True for item in reversed(sequence): if isinstance(item, curver.IntegerType): # Flip. move = T.encode_flip(item)[0] elif isinstance(item, dict): # Isometry. if all(i in item or ~i in item for i in self.indices): move = T.encode_relabel_edges(item)[0] else: # If some edges are missing then we assume that we must be mapping back to this triangulation. move = T.find_isometry(self, item) elif isinstance(item, tuple) and len(item) == 2: # Twist or HalfTwist. label, power = item edge = Edge(label) if power == 0: # Crush: edges = curver.kernel.utilities.cyclic_slice(T.vertex_lookup[edge], edge, ~edge)[1:] curve = T.curve_from_cut_sequence(edges) # Avoids promote. move = curve.crush()[0] else: # Check where it connects. if T.vertex_lookup[edge] == T.vertex_lookup[~edge]: # Twist. edges = curver.kernel.utilities.cyclic_slice(T.vertex_lookup[edge], edge, ~edge)[1:] curve = T.curve_from_cut_sequence(edges) # Avoids promote. move = curver.kernel.Twist(curve, power) else: # HalfTwist. arc = T.edge_arc(edge) move = curver.kernel.HalfTwist(arc, power) elif item is None: # Identity isometry. move = T.id_encoding()[0] elif isinstance(item, curver.kernel.Move): # Move. move = item else: # Other. move = item moves_reversed.append(move) flip_graph = flip_graph and isinstance(move, curver.kernel.FlipGraphMove) T = move.target_triangulation if not flip_graph: return curver.kernel.Encoding(moves_reversed[::-1]) else: # flip_graph: if moves_reversed[0].source_triangulation != moves_reversed[-1].target_triangulation: return curver.kernel.Mapping(moves_reversed[::-1]) else: return curver.kernel.MappingClass(moves_reversed[::-1])
[docs]def create_triangulation(cls, edge_labels): ''' A helper function for pickling. ''' return cls.from_tuple(edge_labels)