Source code for curver.kernel.utilities

''' A module of useful, generic functions; including input and output formatting. '''

from itertools import product
from string import ascii_lowercase, ascii_uppercase, digits
import re

import curver

ALPHABET = digits + ascii_lowercase + ascii_uppercase + '+-'

[docs]def b64encode(n): ''' Return n in base 64. ''' out = [] while n: n, r = divmod(n, 64) out.append(ALPHABET[r]) return ''.join(out)
[docs]def b64decode(strn): ''' Return the integer with base 64 encoding strn. ''' return sum(ALPHABET.index(c) * 64**i for i, c in enumerate(strn))
[docs]def string_generator(n, skip=None): ''' Return a list of n usable names, none of which are in skip. ''' assert isinstance(n, curver.IntegerType) assert skip is None or isinstance(skip, (list, tuple, dict, set)) skip = set() if skip is None else set(skip) alphabet = ascii_lowercase results = [] i = 0 while len(results) < n: i += 1 for letters in product(alphabet, repeat=i): word = ''.join(letters) if word not in skip: results.append(word) if len(results) >= n: break return results
[docs]def name_objects(objects, skip=None): ''' Return a list of pairs (name, object). ''' assert isinstance(objects, (list, tuple)) return zip(string_generator(len(objects), skip), objects)
[docs]def cyclic_slice(L, x, y): ''' Return the sublist of L from x (inclusive) to y (exclusive). L may be cyclically permuted if needed. ''' i = L.index(x) L = L[i:] + L[:i] # x is now L[0]. j = L.index(y) return L[:j]
[docs]def maximum(iterable, key=lambda x: x, upper_bound=None): ''' Return the maximum of iterable but terminate early when given an upper_bound. ''' def helper(): ''' A generator that yeilds elements from iterable up to and including one such that key(item) >= upper_bound. ''' for item in iterable: yield item if upper_bound is not None and key(item) >= upper_bound: return return max(helper(), key=key)
[docs]def alphanum_key(strn): ''' Return a list of string and number chunks from a string. ''' blocks = [] for chunk in re.split('([0-9]+)', strn): try: blocks.append(int(chunk)) except ValueError: blocks.append(chunk) return blocks
[docs]def matrix_vector(M, v): ''' Return M*v where v is interpreted as a column vector. ''' return (v * M.T).tolist()[0]