Source code for curver.kernel.arc

''' A module for representing (multi)arcs on triangulations. '''

from itertools import combinations
import networkx

import curver
from curver.kernel.lamination import IntegralLamination  # Special import needed for subclassing.
from curver.kernel.decorators import memoize, topological_invariant  # Special import needed for decorating.

[docs]class MultiArc(IntegralLamination): ''' An IntegralLamination in which every component is an Arc. '''
[docs] def is_short(self): return all(weight <= 0 for weight in self)
[docs] def vertices(self): ''' Return set of vertices that the components of this MultiArc connects to. ''' return set(vertex for vertex in self.triangulation.vertices if any(self(edge) < 0 or self.left_weight(edge) < 0 for edge in vertex))
[docs] @topological_invariant def has_distinct_endpoints(self): ''' Return whether this multiarc connects between distict vertices of its underlying triangulation. ''' return len(self.vertices()) == 2 * self.num_components()
[docs] def encode_halftwist(self, power=1): ''' Return an Encoding of a right half twist about a regular neighbourhood of this arc, raised to the given power. This arc must have distinct endpoints. ''' if not self.has_distinct_endpoints(): # Check where it connects. raise ValueError('Arc connects a vertex to itself') if power == 0: # Boring case. return self.triangulation.id_encoding() short, conjugator = self.shorten() h = curver.kernel.utilities.product( [ curver.kernel.create.halftwist(arc, power).encode() for arc, _ in short.components().items() # multiplicity must be 1. ], start=short.triangulation.id_encoding() ) return h.conjugate_by(conjugator)
[docs] def boundary(self): ''' Return the multicurve which is the boundary of a regular neighbourhood of this multiarc. ''' short, conjugator = self.shorten() # short is a subset of the edges of the triangulation it is defined on. # So its geometric vector is non-positive. used = set(edge for edge in short.triangulation.edges if short(edge) < 0) # Also use any edge that is in a triangle where two sides are used. # Note that this does not change the boundary. to_check = [triangle for triangle in short.triangulation if sum(1 for edge in triangle if edge in used) == 2] while to_check: triangle = to_check.pop() for edge in triangle: if edge not in used: used.add(edge) used.add(~edge) neighbour = short.triangulation.triangle_lookup[~edge] if sum(1 for edge in neighbour if edge in used) == 2: to_check.append(neighbour) break # Now build each component by walking around the outside of the used edges. passed_through = set() geometric = [0] * short.zeta for edge in short.triangulation.edges: corner = short.triangulation.corner_lookup[edge] if edge not in passed_through and edge not in used and corner[2] in used: # Start on a good edge. while edge not in passed_through: geometric[edge.index] += 1 passed_through.add(edge) corner = short.triangulation.corner_lookup[edge] if ~corner[2] not in used: edge = ~corner[2] else: edge = ~corner[1] boundary = short.triangulation(geometric) return conjugator.inverse()(boundary)
[docs] @topological_invariant def is_triangulation(self): ''' Return whether this MultiArc is a triangulation. ''' short, _ = self.shorten() return all(weight == -1 for weight in short)
[docs] def explore_ball(self, radius): ''' Extend this MultiArc to a triangulation and return all triangulations within the ball of the given radius of that one. Runs in exp(radius) time. Note that this is only well-defined if this multiarc is filling. ''' assert self.is_filling() short, conjugator = self.shorten() triangulations = set() for encoding in short.triangulation.all_encodings(radius): T = encoding.target_triangulation.as_lamination() triangulations.add(conjugator.inverse()(encoding.inverse()(T))) return triangulations
[docs] def all_disjoint_arcs(self): ''' Yield all arcs that are disjoint from this multiarc. Note that is only well defined if self is filling. ''' assert self.is_filling() short, conjugator = self.shorten() conjugator_inv = conjugator.inverse() # All arcs that meet 0 edges. for arc in short.triangulation.edge_arcs(): yield conjugator_inv(arc) # All arcs that meet 1 edge. for index in short.triangulation.indices: if short(index) == 0: arc = short.triangulation([1 if i == index else 0 for i in range(short.triangulation.zeta)]) yield conjugator_inv(arc) # All arcs that meet at least two edges. edges = [(short.triangulation.triangle_lookup[edge], short.triangulation.triangle_lookup[~edge]) for edge in short.triangulation.positive_edges if short(edge) == 0] G = networkx.Graph(edges) for t1, t2 in combinations(G.nodes(), r=2): paths = networkx.all_simple_paths(G, t1, t2) for path in paths: if len(path) > 2: # Not covered by above case. # Convert back to a sequence of edges. cut_sequence = [edge.index for p1, p2 in zip(path, path[1:]) for edge in p1 if ~edge in p2] arc = short.triangulation.lamination_from_cut_sequence(cut_sequence) yield conjugator_inv(arc)
[docs] def all_disjoint_multiarcs(self): ''' Yield all multiarcs that are disjoint from this one. Assumes that this multiarc is filling. ''' arcs = list(self.all_disjoint_arcs()) # Checks is filling. G = networkx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from(arcs) G.add_edges_from([(a_1, a_2) for a_1, a_2 in combinations(arcs, r=2) if a_1.intersection(a_2) == 0]) for clique in networkx.enumerate_all_cliques(G): yield self.triangulation.disjoint_sum(clique)
[docs] def all_disjoint_triangulations(self): ''' Yield all multiarcs that are triangulations that are disjoint from self. Note that these must all therefore contain this multiarc. Assumes that this multiarc is filling. ''' arcs = list(self.all_disjoint_arcs()) # Checks is filling. G = networkx.Graph() G.add_nodes_from(arcs) G.add_edges_from([(a_1, a_2) for a_1, a_2 in combinations(arcs, r=2) if a_1.intersection(a_2) == 0]) for clique in networkx.find_cliques(G): yield self.triangulation.disjoint_sum(clique)
[docs]class Arc(MultiArc): ''' A MultiArc with a single component. '''
[docs] @memoize def components(self): return {self: 1}
[docs] def parallel(self): ''' Return an edge that this arc is parallel to. Note that this is only defined for short arcs. ''' assert self.is_short() [(component, (multiplicity, edge))] = self.parallel_components().items() assert component == self # Sanity. assert multiplicity == 1 # Sanity. return edge